Wednesday, February 20, 2008

It's not really that far fetched

The people of this garden state always find a way to amaze me. Finally we get a Governor who is trying to straighten out our fiscal mess that has amassed over the years yet people still have to rant and rave about it. I mean if they would just slow down and really look at the situation we have gotten ourselves in maybe the Governors ideas are really that bad after all. If you really look back i can't remember the last Governor who even tried to do what he is doing. People are complaining about what he intends to raise now they better look ahead and see what it will cost further down the road.
Really he is not all to blame because, the people who we voted in to our township governments allowed all this new building to go crazy with the promise of cheaper taxes with all these new businesses and homes but what it really has done but make it worse. New schools more teachers, police officers, more garbage, where is the savings i ask you? And then along with all the less than honest people that got into office we come to the mess we have. With all these new people moving into state we have more vehicles on roads that were designed 30 years ago.
Nobody thought about these things and while we have been trying to keep up with the mad rush to live here our roadways and bridges are falling apart and no money to fix them. So what i think he will end up doing is raising the parkway tolls but not as much as he says, then raising the gas tax some and we will be just fine.
We have been borrowing to sustain our transportation fund for so long that we can't anymore and it will run out soon unless we take this action now. I know the Governor said that pigs would fly before the next time he increased anything but if we wait any longer the cost will out fly the pigs for sure. So its something everyone should really look at before its too late. Peace, Love, and Happiness!