Wednesday, February 13, 2008

While they are at it,

I think that while all these hearings are going on about hgh and steroids in sports today, they should have hearings on congress itself for this reason. That for as long as i can remember they have been letting these agencies inside the government itself require companies that manufacture and produce our food products add all these chemicals that they say are making them more safe but in the long run altering our body chemistry.

From Way Back When
I can still recall when i was growing up there was never any talk or even reports of autism. If you really think about it i can only remember not to many years back that i even heard about it. so it really makes you think why is that? Could that finally after all these years of ingesting all these chemically induced foods be bringing on these problems?

As The Rates Goes Up
As our children, not alone ourselves keep on seeing increases in health problems for that i think is because of all the processed foods we eat, i myself am slowly but surely switching to the healthier and non processed food for the reason that is more evident everyday.With all the talk of why all these problems arise, just look on any package of processed food and you can see why we have them.

Pure Milk
There are people that are going out of their way not only by travel but also price to get non processed milk. And even though the government has been warning them against doing so they still do for the reason that they say they have never felt better in their lives. They say it is quite expensive to purchase a gallon and there are not to many places but i would not mind trying it out.

Was it Really Necessary?
If you really look at it we didn't really need these agencies in our government to exist after all. People have been eating and drinking organic products for years and haven't had any problems that i can recall. Even the vegetarians haven't had any problems, and i even use some of their practices and find them really enjoyable. If you look at it most of all the recalls and health scares come from some kind of processed food or were it was grown they used some kind of chemical in its life span.

Well before i sign off all i have to say is eat healthy, exercise and leave all that processed junk for those who make it and regulate it. Peace Love and Happiness!

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