Sunday, March 9, 2008

Daylight Savings Whose Time Anyway

Yes the time of year has come when we get to move the hands of father time ahead a hour and i am sitting hear wondering why do it at all. With the way the economy is right now whats the use? Really its just one more hour in the day you have to rack your brain trying to find ways to stay ahead. Its just one more hour you have to bust your but so Uncle Sam can get his hands on more of your hard earned money. Its just one more hour the bill collectors have to call and bother you about bills you don't have the money to pay. Its just one more hour that puts you deeper in those traffic jams that seem to get worse by the minute at that time of day.
Could there be any positives? lets see, you now you won't get no overtime from work because there isn't enough work around so your boss is not even going that way so that gives you a extra hour everyday to do what? Well its that time of year were you could come home after a hard days work and do some yard work, you could come home and hear it from your other about going out and look for another job, you could come home and find there's no beer left in the refrigerator and you have got the money for any more.
So if you ask me you could just leave as it is and change nothing at all that way i don't have to go around and change all the clocks, especially my wrist watch which always takes me about a day to change with all the button pushing to get it right about sends it to the bay twice a year.
So take as you should , at least summer on the way.
Peace, Love and Happiness!

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